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Critical Race Theory and DEI Are NOT The Same Critical Race Theory (CRT) has received a lot of attention in recent years, with unfounded allegations CRT is being taught in…

Understanding Self-Assessments: Part Two

Understanding Self-Assessments: Part Two

Validity and Reliability of Self-Assessments This is part two of Understanding Self-Assessments. Find Part One here. JUST THE FACTS MA’AM Given a choice, most organizations would likely prefer to obtain…

Diversity & Inclusion Measurement

Diversity & Inclusion Measurement

Evidence that Demonstrates a Truth   “The source of wealth and capital in this new era is not material things … it is the human mind, the human spirit, the human…

Implementation Of DEI

Implementation of DEI

Is DEI as Easy as ABC? Companies of all sizes have incorporated the business case for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) during the last 20 years. A best practice for…

Working Women

Working Women

Working Women: The Power Status Gap We’ll tell you right now that we are not the bearer of diversity and inclusion good tidings. We come bearing disheartening news for women and people…

Building Empathy: Part One

Building Empathy: Part One

Empathy for the “out-group” One only needs to turn on any cable news station, to hear the divisiveness which exists in the U.S. today. Indeed, we are taught by the…

Coping With Chaos

Coping with Chaos

Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter We have a world to remake. This is a civilization moment. Are we looking for a new moral hierarchy? Our brains are wired to order…

Small Business Sea Change?

Small Business Sea Change?

Are Small Businesses Embracing Diversity & Inclusion? We are in the midst of a sea change: corporations are coming to recognize not only the moral imperative, but also the compelling…

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